Saturday, July 07, 2007

An orgy of hypocrisy

The largest propaganda drive ever staged began last night in Australia.

An estimated 2 billion people will tune in via their TV sets to watch a bunch of carbon guzzling, self promoting, egotistical pop stars tell the world that only they can save mankind.

What a bunch of hypocritical moralising turds.

Once it becomes apparent that the "global warming" danger is a scam - as it will in the not too distant future - I hope we will see these idiots held to account for abusing their positions to promote left wing propaganda.


Anonymous said...

''I hope we will see these idiots held to account''

I do hope you are not holding your breath for this
When it is, as it will be, proved to be a crock of shit they will say it was their efforts wot saved us all

Stan said...

I've heard that theory put forward before, but it won't wash - because CO2 will continue to increase and they will not be able to hide that.

They've made their bed - they will have to lie in it.

I believe, personally, that this will be the end for NGO power, the end of the UN mandate, the end of the EU "consensus" and the end for modern political leftism.