Monday, August 06, 2007

The death throes of multiculturalism?

Courtesy of Central News comes this revealing article from The Telegraph.

It has managed for two months without a national government, as its leaders squabble over who should run the country. Now a political crisis in Belgium, fuelled by long-running animosity between its French and Flemish-speaking populations, threatens to undermine the very existence of the country.

For me, this demonstrates the fallacy of the idea of "multiculturalism" - the notion that you can take a bunch of peoples with disparate cultures and identities and mould them together into one nation without a prevailing monoculture to hold them together.

It just doesn't work.

There has to be a dominant culture - in all nations. Anything else will lead to the dissolution of those nations and the return of tribalism.


Anonymous said...


I agree with you entirely.

I'm Welsh.

The only reason Engalnd, Ireland, Scotland, Wales have held together is because though we are all slightly different culturally, we aren't all that much different, and we've had hundreds of years to get used to each other.

Even at that there are minor tensions.

bernard said...

The reason, sir hm, that we have held together, as you put it, is that we all speak English as the first language.
The Belgiums don't seem to have got THAT far as yet!

Anonymous said...


Yes. That isn't all of it, but it's a major part.

There's also intermarriage. How many of the four don't have some part of one or more of the others somewhere in their ancestry? I'm Welsh, born and raised, and though my Welsh ancestry is dominant, there are both Irish and English mixed into it.

In the part of Wales where I was raised, Welsh is the first language for a large number of people, but all do use English. When I was a boy, I knew a fair few elderly people who couldn't understand English at all.

Anyway, we must all hang together or sure as shooting the influx will hang us separately.

Anonymous said...

"multiculturalism" - the notion that you can take a bunch of peoples with disparate cultures and identities and mould them together into one nation without a prevailing monoculture to hold them together.

It just doesn't work.

The only time two different people's can live together is when one has an iron fist, i.e. the upper hand. Even the Normans didn't beat the English and they it seems had full control. The English still exist; the Normans don't. England still exists; there has never been a national state called Normandy.

There has to be a dominant culture - in all nations. Anything else will lead to the dissolution of those nations and the return of tribalism.

Definitely! Look at Yugoslavia! Look at the UK now?

Flanders Fields said...

I wish your prediction were true. Multiculturalism is still being imposed upon all of us, and it doesn't seem to be going away despite our disgust with it, and that goes for it's ugly twin sister, political correctness, too.

The Flanders portion of Belgium, the Dutch speaking part, are very much conversant in many languages, usually including French, English and German as well as others. The Walloon (French) section seems to retain the French aversion to anything except French.

The Brussels Journal has some good posts about the situation. Flanders has been supporting the Walloon portion, due to constitutional provisions placed in the constitution many years ago. Wallonia is largely subsisting on welfare provided by Flanders.

All of us in the West need to regain control of our governments and force them to be representative of the people. Special interests and corporate interests should not be placed ahead of our traditional values and freedoms. Our cultures should not be sacrificed to a mob of immigrants who refuse to assimilate or adapt to our customs.

We don't need to have our tribe attacked by a coalition of motley other tribes being led by leftists in our governments and institutions. They are attempting to dilute our affect on their operations, by making the immigrants "instant citizens". We need to come together to prevent their continuing disregard of their traditional and true citizens.

You have an interesting site, with good opinions.

Stan said...

Thanks for your comments, Flanders Fields - it's good to get the views from elsewhere other than the UK.

I was wondering - how did Vlaams Belang do in the elections? Are you a supporter of theirs?