Monday, January 05, 2009


Well, what a Christmas and New Year that was! I don't know about you, but it seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye this year - it's almost impossible to believe that the kids have gone back to school already as it seems like barely yesterday when they broke up for the holidays.

But in that time there has been all sorts going on in the world. The Israelis finally lost patience with the non-stop rocket attacks into their country from Gaza which neither Hamas nor the much vaunted "international community" made any effort to stop - until the Israelis got so pissed off with it they decided to hit back. And then it's as if they are the ones in the wrong! I don't know about you, but if I was an Israeli living in range of these missiles I'd be wanting my government to do something about it. I think those people who campaign to prevent Israel defending themselves should go and live in Sderot for a few weeks and see how they like having their kids school targeted several times a day. Or, if they don't fancy moving, we'll just get some low life to lob hand grenades into their kids playground 3 times a day with a one minute warning.

Meanwhile, the credit crunch continues to bite with Waterford/Wedgewood the latest victim of the downturn. Gordon Brown promises to create 100,000 "new" jobs by bringing forward capital projects (yeah, right!) as if this is going to sort anything out. I mean, with unemployment predicted to rise by more than a million an extra 100,000 jobs is a seriously poor piss in the ocean. And of course, those 100,000 "new" jobs are nothing of the sort - they will just be construction workers who might not lose their jobs rather than new employees - and they will all only be short to medium term contracts anyway.

With so much going on in the world it would be realistic to expect the Tory party to have something to say about all this - but what do we get? This ...... crap!

The Conservative leader claims Britain has fallen way behind European rivals in the push to exploit the multi-trillion pound market in planet-friendly business, he will warn, and must do "a lot better".

They call for a massive new state investment in green technology "incubators", free access to testing facilities, a new Low Carbon Index of green firms and tax breaks on their shares.

Seriously, I wonder if any of our political leaders live on the same planet as the rest of us. There is war (again) in the Levant, our economy is collapsing around our ears and Dave wants us to have easier access to broadband!

Nothing like getting your priorities right is there!

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I think those people who campaign to prevent Israel defending themselves should go and live in Sderot for a few weeks and see how they like having their kids school targeted several times a day. Or, if they don't fancy moving, we'll just get some low life to lob hand grenades into their kids playground 3 times a day with a one minute warning."

I rather prefer the latter option.

No need to further blight the lives of the people of Sderot by having them put up with insufferable lefty loons as well as murdering Islamist loons...