Thursday, March 04, 2010

What this case tells us about the BBC

There's more to this than meets the eye.

I'm not going to comment on the jail sentence which, as some commenter has already said, seems unduly harsh, but more about what this reveals about the prevailing ethos at the BBC.

It reveals just how immoral and seedy the BBC truly has become as an organisation. Once upon a time, "Auntie" held itself up as a paragon of virtue and high standards. What we now know - as evidenced by the employment of overpaid juvenile presenters who make dirty phone calls on air and the evidence of this case - is that the BBC is a cess pit of bed-hopping, cheating immorality.

In essence, the BBC is a microcosm of progressive liberalism and indicative of society in general under progressive liberalism - a showy surface of respectability underneath which lurks a filthy rotten body.


JPT said...

Well said.

bernard said...

You're a bit late to the table with this one, Stan me old china.
The BBC has come under scrutiny from several directions recently, especially from rival commercial broadcasting stations that are feeling the pinch from it's ever-expanding monopoly of the airwaves.
It's pretty clear that the BBC (both in TV & radio)has, among other things, become a tax funded 'knocking shop' as witnessed by the shear number of superfluous, young nubile women that are employed (@ 30K plus)to do overlapping/duplicated jobs. (there are about six that present the weather forecasts alone).
The fact that some snot-faced, two-bit producer has been caught trying his luck with some of them comes as no surprise at all, and certainly no surprise to the commercial companies trying to compete for audiences.