Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The real bigots in our schools

Thanks to one of the commenters on this site - Larry - I hear that the teaching unions are trying to ban BNP members from being teachers or governors.

I've no doubt that these same people are the sort who were up in arms the other day when the shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, said that B&B owners should have the right to refuse entry to homosexuals.

Personally, I think he is right. Furthermore, I think the NUT is quite within its rights to refuse membership from anyone who is a BNP member. I also think it's quite right for a club to refuse entry to someone who doesn't meet their dress code or a bank to reject an application for an overdraft from someone who doesn't have any money.

My point is this - everybody, every business and every organisation should have the right to decide who they allow in. There should not be any laws restricting you on who you can turn away - regardless of the reason.

Why is there such a big furore over a tiny B&B refusing to admit a homosexual couple and yet no concern at all by the establishment at the blatant discrimination by liberal progressives towards BNP members? They are not doing anything illegal by being members of the BNP. It isn't against the law (yet) to be a member of the BNP and yet the NUT are not just clamouring for a ban from their organisation for BNP members - they are trying to bully the government into blatant discrimination.

Like I said - if the NUT want to ban BNP members from being part of their bigoted, fascist group then that is up to them. If I were a teacher and a member of the BNP I would not want to belong to such a disgusting extremist organisation as the NUT - but it is none of their business who schools employ or have as governors.

Once again we see the blatant hypocrisy and bigotry of the liberal establishment. They do not stand for "equality". They do not stand for "fairness". They stand for shoving their sick social agenda down the throats of the British people.

They are vicious nasty bigots and they think nobody notices. They are wrong.


Anonymous said...

Teaching is pretty much a 'closed shop' occupation Stan. Furthermore, as my nephew found out you have to sign one of those 'honouring diversity' contracts before you pick up your first piece of chalk. They've got it all sewn up mate. If you're not with the 'project' you can't get a job anywhere in the public sector. If only George Orwell was alive to see all this, eh.


Larry said...

I'll never understand the mindset of modern leftists. It's human nature to discriminate. Discrimination means to be able to distinguish a difference between different things, and it's human nature.

As Steve said, this really is thought policing in action. I'm amazed that more of these self-professed liberals can't see the wood for the trees.

Anonymous said...

Someone should remind the Teachers
leaders ,their members are well
spread out and easy to be drawn into meaningfull debate on all
sorts of issues including discrimination.

One fine day

Richard Matthews said...

Never mind the NUT. What about Devon and Exeter NHS Trust stopped nurse Shirley Chaplin from doing her job because she was wearing a cricifix? This is very sinister indeed and makes me very angry.

I'm not a terribly religious person but things like this make me seriously consider rediscovering the Christian faith. I can foresee Christianity becoming, dare I say it, 'cool', simply because it is being seriously marginalised by the political establishment.

The new creed of atheism (or ABC*) is becoming extremely pompous and intolerant.

*ABC = Anything But Christianity

Stan said...

Hello Richard - yes, the crucifix case was a touch over zealous but not at all surprising.

Even though I'm a committed Christian I am not particularly evangelical. I can thoroughly recommend "rediscovering the Christian faith" as that is what I did some years back, but I don't think it is something you can just switch on or off. It will either come to you or it won't - although you're more likely to find it if you look for it!

One thing I will say, though, is that coming back to Christianity from a long period of atheism allowed me to read the Bible with a new perspective and greatly improved my understanding of it.

In that respect, Christianity is a lot like science - it helps to have a healthy dose of scepticism before you can really understand it.

Richard Matthews said...

Stan, I may well check out the book you recommended. I have just finished Hitchens' 'Rage Against God', which I found to be an interesting and enjoyable read. Worth a look if you haven't read this already.

I think that Christianity needs to work at shedding the happy-clappy / evangelical associations it has. I'm more a fan of the 'John Bunyan' type of protestantism that reminds me of the hymns we sang in my school days.

Stan said...

I'm with you on the happy/clappy stuff, Richard - and I hate all that hugging too!

As a result, I rarely attend my local church where this sort of thing goes on (ever since we got a woman vicar) preferring instead to cycle the extra couple of miles to a more conventional church.

The sermons are just as dull, but at least I recognise the tunes to the hymns again.