Saturday, May 15, 2010

Men of no substance

It must be obvious to even the most ardent conservative pre-election supporter of David Cameron that the man is an unrepentant social liberal by now, but I wonder if they are now aware of just how ignorant he is too?

By ignorant, I do not mean uneducated - it is quite obvious that Mr. Cameron has had the most lavish education money can buy - but it is one thing to educate someone and something else for that person to be able to use that education.

And is only ignorant people who brush aside a centuries old constitution to introduce something as unconstitutional and anti-democratic as the fixed five year parliamentary term and the requirement of a 55% majority in the House of Commons to force an election before that time.

I've not mentioned this before, because it was always obvious to me that Cameron is no defender of Britain and therefore no defender of our constitution - I'm just keen to know what Tory voters who thought I was wrong about this think now.

I know that there are traditional conservatives who read this blog and voted for Cameron in the belief that he was only playing the social liberal game until he was in power - but the first thing he does when he achieves that power is jump into bed with the nearest social liberal he can find and embark on the continuation of the vandalism of our historic constitution begun by New Labour.

What do you people think now?

I'm not trying to say "I told you so" - even though I did - I just want to know that there are real conservatives out there who are prepared to say "this is not what I Tory voted for".

Otherwise, what is the point?


Lightf00t said...

This is an interesting topic. If you were to make a list of men who you felt had substance, how many of them would be modern politicians? In fact, more to the point, how many of them wouldn't be historical figures? There's very few real men nowadays, nevermind the substance.

Here's a few I can think of:

Winston Churchill
Enoch Powell
Michael Savage
Lord Christopher Monckton
Nigel Farage
Daniel Hannan
Ronald Reagan
Geert Wilders
William Wallace

Honourary mention goes to Margaret Thatcher.

Anonymous said...

Frank Field could be added to that list Lightf00t - no giant but hey, beggars can't choosers.

The socialists poisoned this country Stan: a political nitrogen dioxide was created when our institutions were plunged then dissolved in New Labour's ideological acid.

The smell will linger.


Lightf00t said...


Since Frank Field "believes" in man made climate change, I'll have to politely disagree with you. And anyone who was a true right-winger would never have been able to stomach being a member of the Liebour party for so long.

Anonymous said...

I was unaware of Frank's position on Warble Gloaming Lightf00t, I withdraw his name. However I see from the papers today that PM1 has given him the poverty portfolio.


Lightf00t said...

Quite frankly, this unholy alliance is unbelievable to me. Between buddying up with a libdem to appointing a Labourite as an anti-poverty tsar, it doesn't bear thinking about.

All these politicians are two-faced empty suits nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Indeed they are and we get the ConDem Nation we deserve, do we not?

Buy a gun.


Indyanhat said...

More of a 'man' than any of them was Elizabeth Beckett. who stood up for what she believed to be the rights of us all regardless of party affiliations, its where we all should be standing too now and demanding a serious re-evaluation of our constitution in light of the treason which has been perpetrated on us all for too long!

Indyanhat said...

and then theres Dannat, the ex army man!

JuliaM said...

"By ignorant, I do not mean uneducated - it is quite obvious that Mr. Cameron has had the most lavish education money can buy - but it is one thing to educate someone and something else for that person to be able to use that education"

Got it in one!