Thursday, July 01, 2010

A futile exercise

I understand the deputy head boy - sorry, Prime Minister - Nick Clegg, is setting up a web site to allow the people of Britain to tell him what laws we want to get rid of.

Why is he doing this? He knows full well that he has no intention of paying the slightest bit of attention to it unless the suggestions coincide with his own particular views - so why bother asking?

Let's say, for example, that millions of people asked for the smoking ban in pubs to be lifted - does anyone think he would do that? I don't.

On top of that, the vast majority of laws which have come into effect over the last decade or so originate from the EU and are passed without any debate, discussion or serious consideration by parliament. They're simply rubber stamped and that's it - because we are not permitted to refuse or repeal them. They are directives - i.e we are directed to introduce them by our political masters in Brussels.

So what would Clegg do about those if people said they wanted to get rid of them? Absolutely nothing - because he can not do anything.

The whole idea reminds me of my school days when the teachers - along with the sixth form prefects - would tell us how they wanted us lower forms (in both senses) to be "more involved" in school decisions. There would be huge enthusiasm for a couple of days, hundreds of suggestions and, at the end of it, the teachers would do what they wanted to do anyway.

Not only does Clegg look like a sixth form collaborator - sorry, prefect - he still behaves and thinks like one too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard him on the news yesterday giving an example of some silly law that hadn't been repealed, something like you can't eat a sparrow on Tuesdays in June. It was then I realized this was another supreme example of fake consultation. They'll do what they want to do....if they're still together. Hopefully the coalition will implode/explode (I don't care which) and we'll have another election.