Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friends like these ....

...... animals could do without!

Seven animals rights activists have been convicted of a "violent and relentless" campaign of blackmail against a laboratory's suppliers in which they branded directors "paedophiles" and attacked their families.

I've never had a problem with people protesting peacefully and legally about any issue, but animal "rights" groups have been using the tactic of "direct action" for years without the courts doing anything about it. The result of that laxity is this bunch of foul scum subjecting decent ordinary people to horrendous abuse and fear.

So I hope that the courts make an example of them all and sentence them to very long prison sentences - as they carried out their campaign of hate over six years I would think that the minimum they should be expected to serve would be six years as well (which would require a sentence of between 12 and 15 years thanks to our ludicrous early release system). They won't of course, but it's the only thing that might work.

In my opinion far too many people are over-sentimental about animals and their "rights". I know it's not a popular viewpoint, but I believe animals rights are defined by the laws of nature (i.e. - none), but the humanisation of animals over the last 60-80 years has created this sickly sentimentality.

The irony of all this is that these people who supposedly support animals "rights" are the ones causing more problems for animals. Once upon a time we had a decent and comparatively humane fur industry in this country, but "direct action" closed that down and drove the industry to foreign countries where they are far less concerned about animal rights and considerably less worried about their welfare.


Anonymous said...

"The result of that laxity is this bunch of foul scum subjecting decent ordinary people to horrendous abuse and fear."

Pound to a penny the ringleaders behind this gang care little for animals. In fact, I'd be utterly astonished if any of them could tell an aardvark from a pangolin.

They are bullyboy thugs who get their kicks torturing people - if it weasn't 'animal rights' it'd be 'Green issues' or 'gay marriage'. They are, in fact, apolitical. Their creed is violence for its own sake.

"Once upon a time we had a decent and comparatively humane fur industry in this country, but "direct action" closed that down and drove the industry to foreign countries where they are far less concerned about animal rights..."

And released mink into the wild to devestate the water vole poulation. Spectacular own goal. Or would have been, if 'animal rights' (rather than 'a great punchup or act of sabotage') was their goal....

Nick von Mises said...

In my youth I was briefly involved with the hunt sabs. Until I realised they were either imbecilic idealists or total crazies. These people are the white version of Islamofascists. Total lunatics who want to impose ridiculous stuff onto everyone else and will use the most tenous apologetics for moral justification.

They also tend to be of the "by all means necessary" creed, hence the paeophile slurs.