Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And so it begins

I've been predicting it for a couple of years now, but the main event of the "recession" is about to get under way. Strikes, chaos and disorder are already taking a grip in Europe - especially France - and here the coalition is about to announce the scale of the cuts to public sector spending as they attempt to get to grips with the debt monster created by the stupidity and profligacy of Blair, Brown and New Labour.

The non-existent recovery is stuttering to a halt while the banks and foreign companies feast on the entrails of our dying industry like vultures devouring a once proud lion that still breathes, but no longer has the strength to fight off the beaks and claws that tear at its flesh.

The unions are on the rise once more - boosted by membership from the bloated non-productive public sector of people in non-jobs - and are belligerent and confident once more. What is more they are now armed with a tactic - the repeated one or two day strike - which causes the most harm and disruption to the employers and the public with the least inconvenience to themselves and their members.

Our armed forces will soon be no longer fit for the purpose of defending the nation - although I'm not convinced that they have been for twenty years - but it doesn't matter. We've sold our nation to the EU anyway and the only thing our soldiers are likely to be doing in the next ten years is putting down internal insurrection and civil chaos. They won't need tanks, planes or aircraft carriers to do that.

And all this as a result of spending cuts that will do nothing to stop the inevitable. This isn't the end of the cuts, the chaos and disruption - this is merely the beginning.


Andy C said...

The massive increase in unemployed plus continued mass immigration means that we are even less able to raise the funds to provide basic services for our overlarge population.

We have had our time of riches and it has been squandered by greedy businessmen and incompetent treacherous politicians.

The only way we will manage to bring some kind of level to the economy is to reduce our population so more money can be spent per person.

We need to leave Europe Union and kick out the EU workers. Give the jobs to English workers who will spend English money in English shops.

Anonymous said...

The so called poor, scraping by on 500 quid a week, all found (rent, council tax paid, free school meals) for sitting on your crack allday watching Jeremy Kyle aint done so bad either.

TheFatBigot said...

Spot on Mr Stan. So far there's no cut in sight. Spending will go on increasing, there is no cut just a rearrangement by taking a little bit from some areas to cover the interest due on Labour's profligate borrowing.

Stan said...

To be honest, Andy C - immigration has been the way both the last Labour government and the previous Conservative one (John Major - if anyone remembers) "grew" our economy and it was this that created the last decade of prosperity (which didn't really exist - it was just an illusion built on debt). The theory being that adding people to the population increases GDP (which it does - but of course unless the productivity increases proportionately then the per capita GDP goes down - i.e. you have more money in the economy, but it is spread more thinly across more people). It's a stupid policy, but one which we've been pursuing since 1992. The bubble had to burst eventuall.

Anon - the trouble is, the welfare state, though laudable as an ideal, is wide open to abuse and encourages people not to work. Consequently, the genuinely needy and poor lose out to the idle and feckless.

FB - nice to see you again. Spending will have to continue to increase because these cuts do not even begin to address the structural deficit - and the national debt will continue to increase year on year along with the interest we pay on it (which already accounts for more than we spend annually on defence). The really worrying thing is that there still isn't a plan to address this crucial issue - our politicians are still wedded to this ridiculous idea that a national economy can run on debt.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be anonymous again, but i can't remember my google password.
Thank you for your reply Stan and of course you are absolutely right, but the point I was (clumsily) trying to make was that it is fashionable to blame the bankers, and to patronise "the poor",where in fact our problems are just the opposite.
The bankers, notwithstanding the crisis are net contributors to this country in terms of tax revenue and in terms of "oiling the wheels of comerce". They virtually carried the econnomy of this country on their back during the labout years, and if we kill them we kill the golden goose.
Welfare, on the other hand contributes NOTHING to our economy, and is an ever increasing millstone around our necks, accounting for somewherethe region of in a third of government spending.
Yet the cry is everywhere "hang the bankers" and "proctect the poor".
And no politician seems capable of seeing that we are importing an ever greater dependancy, whether it be in new claimants or from disenfrachised, demotivated natives.
The left want this country destroyed economically, so that it will be permanently under their boot, and by joining in the "hang the banker" mantra we are helping them to acheive their aims.