Monday, December 06, 2010

Why our country is going to rack and ruin

On the face of it the news that the research assistant of a Lib Dem MP is accused of being a spy for Russia has a cold war feel about it - and reading through the various news reports of this incident it would appear that the big media agree ..... but it isn't.

It reveals with stark clarity the reason why this country is in such a sorry state - stupid and naive leadership.

You can argue whether Mike Hancock - the MP in question - was stupid or naive (or both) in employing a Russian national as his research assistant, particularly given his position on the national Defence select committee, but it is impossible to argue that choosing to do so isn't stupid, naive or both.

That one individual MP would be that stupid and naive is bad enough, but the fact that it didn't occur to any of the other MPs in the House of Commons or to the leader of his party that this was not the sort of person any nation should be employing to work on sensitive national interests is beyond a joke.

It also reveals the astonishingly blase attitude our leaders have to the issue of immigration. Why didn't anyone wonder why Mr Hancock felt it necessary to employ a foreign national as his research assistant - couldn't he have found a British person to do the job?

Did he even try?


JuliaM said...

" Why didn't anyone wonder why Mr Hancock felt it necessary to employ a foreign national as his research assistant - couldn't he have found a British person to do the job?"

It must have been her master’s degree from the peace studies department at Bradford university that swung it for her....

English Pensioner said...

re JuliaM

or some other non-academic attribute?

Anonymous said...

At least she wasn't a Cylon...