Friday, May 07, 2010

A pathetic Tory performance

With about sixty seats still to declare it is still not clear what the outcome of this election will be, but it's looking increasingly likely that it will be a hung parliament with the Tories having the largest number of seats, but not sufficient to for a majority government.

This may be a surprise for many, but not for me. As I said two years ago when the supposedly informed political commentators were looking forward to a Cameron landslide ....

[R]egardless of what the polls say, I still believe that when an election does come the Tories will not win. Labour might lose - but the best the Tories can hope for, in my opinion, is a hung parliament and that, in my opinion, will be a disaster for them and for Britain.

It does get to be something of a burden when I'm always right - but it's a cross I'm learning to bear.

As I said, the outcome of this election is still far from being clear. Will Gordon Brown manage to form a coalition government with the Lib Dems or will David Cameron be Prime Minister with a minority government? I think it might still be a couple of days before we find out, but there are some things about this election which are clear.

The first is that the Nick Clegg "bounce" proved to be as solid as a David Cameron "cast iron pledge". Personally, I'm not surprised - the British people just aren't that keen on politicians who are as vehemently anti-British as Clegg. He might come across OK in the sanitised world of TV "debates", but the problem for the Lib Dems - as always - is that their policies don't stand up to scrutiny.

Even that nice Vince Cable - who everyone seems to think would make a great chancellor (I don't - if Cable had had his way we would be in the euro now and our economy sinking faster than a Tequila Slammer at an Ibiza hen party) wasn't enough to bolster Lib Dem support.

The second point is that Labour's support has collapsed in some areas but held up reasonably well in others. I expect someone will do a proper analysis of this at some point in the future, but it will be interesting to see whether those areas where they've retained much of their core vote are areas with EU sceptic and/or traditional Labour MP's.

The biggest and most telling point, though, is the abject failure of David Cameron's Tory Party - because that is what it is. His party may have won the most seats, but not enough - and this against a backdrop of Labour Party riven by internal wrangling, the economy on the brink of collapse and one of the most unpopular men as Prime Minister that we have ever had.

There is only one word to describe the Tory performance.



Lightf00t said...

It's unbelievable to me too, Stan.

How can the electorate be so stupid? You and I both know it's because a significant proportion of the electorate are welfare junkies and/or they've been indoctrinated with marxist teachings and the idea that anything (C)conseervative is "nasty".

It's astounding to me that a non-party with non-policies like the Green party can now have an elected MP, yet parties like UKIP get left out in the cold.

Stan said...

I'm not so sure the electorate have been that stupid, Lightf00t. It could be painted that they've basically told the three main parties that they don't trust any of them any more.

I shouldn't worry about the Green's victory either - it's in a constituency stuffed with nut roast crunching fruit cakes. Being elected MP for Broadmoor & Rampton would carry less stigma.

Unlike the Greens - whose vote, as far as I can tell, hasn't changed at all from the last election - UKIP have seen a decent increase in their share of the vote.

Of course, UKIP can't make any serious inroads as long as the Tory Party exists and as long as the three main parties can spend so much money on electioneering (and with huge free support from the media) - but the change is coming.